Friday, April 21, 2017


RedDot  is a skate brand. Target audience would be anyone that skates, or likes skate culture. RedDot represents the east coast and street skating. I want it to have an urban, don't care attitude, free-like, and artsy vibe to it. We sell skate decks, stickers, shirts, hoodies, and hats.

Friday, April 7, 2017

20 rules hw

I didn't realize there were so many rules to follow, the ones that really stuck out to me were there kerning, color pallet, and setting the trend rule. This was a really helpful article and I could see myself referencing it in the future when I design something.

Friday, March 3, 2017

My Movie Plot

My movie is going to be called Dinner For Two. Its going to be a short comedy starring myself and one other person. The main characters Boomy and Sasha are on their first date on a balcony with a beautiful view. Having a candle lit dinner. They were set up by a mutual friend they both had. Everything sounds great but unfortunately its terribly awkward and silent, and they have nothing in common. Through the odd silence, and embarrassing moments the two of them end up having a good time.

Practice Poster

Thursday, March 2, 2017

HW #5

I really liked the article I thought it was really cool how he got into the space by randomly getting a job at an entertainment company when he was younger. I liked how he talked about being surrounded by other artists is good because they can push you to always do better. Just seemed like a really humble guy who's happy at what he does. I also really like the poster for The Master because he said he did that all with one photo and that he only had to use photoshop for a date change and a touchup, really cool that he did most of the work before going into photoshop. Really col article and I enjoyed reading it.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Non Functional Idea

HW #3

I found this article really motivating. I feel like that's where id like to see myself in the future as an artist and designer. And to hear Montygog say growing up he always was doodling in his books in the margins, really personalized this for me because that something I've always done. So I really enjoyed reading this because it gives me a lot of hope and just adds to my drive to be a successful artist and designer as I continue my career.

Friday, January 20, 2017

HW #1

I feel like the biggest message the author was trying to get across was that some companies were spending money in order to "better update" their logos, but the opposite was occurring. Instead of the new designs bringing a positive feel to the company it actually took away form it. I think the author was  trying to say that some things just don't need fixing and are better as is, and when they are changed it can take away the originality to some brands, companies, etc. They also pointed out how if things are changed they have to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye in order to be affective. That's why they showed the street signs in London as a negative example to that point, because the designer had a funky looking D on the sign which throws off the viewers eye to the entire sign. All in all thought it was a cool article.
1. I have average computer experience.

2. Used photoshop in a high school class, no experience with illustrator

3. A very slow one, and it does not have photoshop or illustrator. (saving up for a mac)

4. Computer Graphic Design

5. Better knowledge of how to use photoshop and illustrator. 

6. KAWS, Vagab, Takehiko Inoue

7. Miles Davis

8. Im left handed, and my thumbs are double jointed.

9. Mighty man busted down the gates. 
Mighty man defeated the beast. 
He saw the emperor slug locked in a dungeon.
He ran toward the gate with all his might, you could see the sweat on his upper lip. 
But sadly he slipped on a burger smashed into the wall and a boulder fell on him. 
The emperor slug was never rescued. Damn...
